DIY, or Whatever (repost)

I actually called a plumber one time. But ONLY after piercing a water supply pipe to add a water line for ice an maker.  So I decided to add my own water supply to our fridge for the built-in ice maker. First, I felt it was important to identify the correct pipe in the wall.… Continue reading DIY, or Whatever (repost)

Why Women Live Longer than Men!

People seem to be all about Do It Yourself stuff these days… I love being able to handle certain things on my own and without the massive expenses incurred from paying someone to do what I could have done. Although, sometimes I wonder if paying an expert would be cheaper than a trip to the emergency… Continue reading Why Women Live Longer than Men!

Sometimes, I Just Don’t Think…

Listen, I don’t know what I am doing. Does that make sense? I have been pretending to be an adult all this time, but really I’m just a kid trapped in an adult’s body! Only I’m not nearly as adorable as Tom Hank’s character in the movie “Big.”