5 Things You May Not Know About Texas! (Even if you do, keep reading!)

Texas is not just a haven, it’s a state of mind. When you’re here, you have to understand that it is not at all weird to wave to strangers or make small talk in the liquor store. Even less strange to see someone walking down a farm to market road carrying a shotgun or rifle!… Continue reading 5 Things You May Not Know About Texas! (Even if you do, keep reading!)

Why Women Live Longer than Men!

People seem to be all about Do It Yourself stuff these days… I love being able to handle certain things on my own and without the massive expenses incurred from paying someone to do what I could have done. Although, sometimes I wonder if paying an expert would be cheaper than a trip to the emergency… Continue reading Why Women Live Longer than Men!

What a Ride!

Oh man… I don’t even know where to start. So I’ve kinda been MIA for a while. I have some cool stuff to talk about now so hopefully it was all worth the drought… Recently, I had the opportunity to participate in one of the coolest events ever! On a whim, I registered for a 150… Continue reading What a Ride!

Texas Chupacabra Rescue Foundation

For too long, these precocious, rat-dog-looking cuties with faces that frankly, not even their own mothers’ could love, have wandered aimlessly around south Texas.  Where did they come from? How and why did they choose Texas as their home? Are they illegal aliens that will need to be deported? Do they have or need jobs?… Continue reading Texas Chupacabra Rescue Foundation